Keith’s Haircenter Blog
Will Laser Hair Therapy Treatments Work for Me?
If you have been recently struggling with thinning hair or hair loss, you’ve likely sifted through dozens of web pages discussing various treatments claiming to regrow your hair (often with very little explanation of how the process works). Sure, there are some treatments that can reverse hair loss, while others have less than enviable side effects or ingredients that can irritate the scalp. In [...]
Seasonal Hair Loss: Tips & Tricks to Keeping Your Hair
Ways to Avoid Seasonal Hair Loss Many of us have probably heard of seasonal affective disorder. A form of depression that hits when the seasons change, and most notably when the winter days are shorter. Then there are the environmental changes that happen with each season. I bet you don’t know about seasonal hair loss. Yes, it is a real thing. Here are some [...]
The Emotional Rollercoaster of Hair Loss
What Are the Challenges Associated with Hair Loss? The initial signs of hair loss can prompt a variety of emotional issues altering how we view ourselves, and how we believe that our friends and family perceive us. While many individuals who experience progressive hair loss are able to accept it, for others, hair loss can have a devastating impact. It's critical to understand that [...]