What Are the Challenges Associated with Hair Loss?
The initial signs of hair loss can prompt a variety of emotional issues altering how we view ourselves, and how we believe that our friends and family perceive us. While many individuals who experience progressive hair loss are able to accept it, for others, hair loss can have a devastating impact.
It’s critical to understand that the emotional turbulence associated with losing one’s hair is legitimate and should be addressed rather than ignored. This post examines a few psychological and emotional side effects associated with balding and hair loss.
Coping with Hair Loss in Everyday Life
One of the first and most common concerns that men and women have when they begin to lose their hair is that they will be deemed less attractive to the opposite sex. It’s natural to feel this way but it doesn’t have to be like this. The interesting thing is that this is often only the perception of the person that is experiencing hair loss– not that person’s partner. Rather, the spouse or friend of the person experiencing hair loss, commonly state that the only thing that bothers them is to see their partner depressed.
Feeling desirable is important for self-esteem. If you feel that your hair is tied in deeply with your self-esteem, we would be more than happy to help you alleviate any concerns; however, we also support the notion that people are beautiful because of their unique appearance. Simply, we want to make hair loss sufferers feel comfortable in their own body once again.
Balding and Your Career
Another concern that plagues people with hair loss is that they often feel they look older than they actually are and thus, will not be as competitive in the workforce. Unfortunately, studies have shown that this is a valid concern, especially in the tech world, where prospective employees strive to appear younger. When employers are screening job applicants, all other things being equal, those with hair are viewed more favorably than those who are bald.
Stress Associated with “Next Steps”
The stress associated with dealing with hair loss, and attempting to figure out the right type of hair loss treatment that will work for you can be both time-consuming and wreak havoc on your emotions. To lessen the emotional toll, only opt for hair loss treatments when you are sure you understand what the outcome of the treatment will be. Ultimately, having realistic expectations will help you cope.
If you are only interested in a temporary solution to help conceal thinning hair, these may be suitable options: If hair regrowth is what you are seeking, acknowledging that it may take longer to see results will help you handle the time period it takes to regrow your hair.
In the end, we want to be a resource for helping you achieve any of your hair restoration goals.
The Impact on Self-Image & Self-Confidence
Our patients often opt for hair loss treatments due to loss of self-confidence and the desire to feel good about themselves again. For some people it may seem superficial to adjust one’s appearance, yet human beings naturally yearn for that unique feeling of being self-assured and desirable. Simply, every person deserves to feel comfortable in his or her own body. Our patients have claimed that having a full head of hair not only improves their physical appearance, it also helps reduce their sense of helplessness and anxiety.
As many studies have suggested, confidence plays a major role in a person’s ability to be successful, whether it’s related to one’s career, dating, friendships or social life.
Far too many patients we’ve consulted acknowledge that the gradual onset of prolonged hair loss and its seemingly irreversible consequences has affected their self-esteem. In turn, this makes them feel more self-conscious about daily personal interactions. These dark feelings can lead to withdrawal from everyday social activities and can be a cause for hesitation before considering new business opportunities.
If you feel as though having hair will help you gain a more positive outlook on life and achieve a more outgoing demeanor, you should absolutely consider speaking to a hair restoration specialist as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.
Why Some Hair Loss Sufferers Opt for Gradual Hair Restoration Treatments
While some people want their hair back as quickly as humanly possible, a sudden drastic change isn’t right for everybody’s lifestyle. In these cases, it may be prudent to look into gradual hair restoration, an option that works to attract attention to your new look not your hair replacement.
With gradual hair restoration, your full hair replacement is completed in stages over the course of a few months— the stylist will subtly add more new hair each time. You may still receive questions from coworkers, but people won’t be able to tell what you’re doing. Essentially, it’s a great method if you want to keep your hair restoration efforts discreet while enjoying immediate results.
Keith’s Haircenters| Wisconsin’s Hair Restoration Experts
At Keith’s Haircenters in Appleton and Green Bay, Wisconsin, we are very proud to provide each of our clients with the latest advances in technology for clinically proven hair loss, prevention and restoration solutions.
Keith’s Haircenters are recognized leader in multi-therapeutic hair loss treatments, hair restoration and hair replacement for men and women suffering from Alopecia, balding and thinning hair.
Do you suffer from hair loss or thinning hair? Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, both genetic and medical. We encourage you to contact us today to schedule a free, confidential hair loss analysis and consultation. It only takes an hour, and it gives you the opportunity to get all your hair loss and hair restoration questions answered honestly and fully, as well as giving our specialists enough information to begin to assess whether non-surgical hair replacement or hair loss treatments may be right for you.
Additional reading:
Female Hair Loss: Aging and Your Thinning Hair